How To Stay Safe Online
Using the internet can be fun and enjoyable, talking to family and friends, sharing pictures and playing games but it is important to stay safe whilst online as things may go wrong.
Some things that could go wrong may include posting pictures you wish you never did, sharing details about yourself you wish you hadn’t or someone may be bullying you online.
If you feel frightened, threatened, worried or unsafe about anything that has happened whilst using the internet e.g. on Facebook, Bebo or in chat rooms, you should report it as you have a right to be safe on the internet.
- Keep your private details SECRET. Keep your name, mobile number, address, school secret. Make up a good username and password.
- Don’t arrange to MEET unless you have your mum, dad or a trusted adult with you.
- Don’t ACCEPT any message or open any attachment if you do not know who they are from.
- RESPECT other people when you chat and play games.
- Always TELL your mum, dad or trusted adult about anything you feel uncomfortable
The most important thing to remember is that there is always help available no matter how bad you think the situation is and trusted adults and organisations will be able to help you sort it out.
If you have shared images of yourself with a person and they are threatening to spread them unless you give them money or something else – get help now. It can be sorted out. CEOP Safety Centre
If you are worried about anything that has happened on the internet you can tell:
- Someone you can trust – Like your teacher or a relative
- Childline – A confidential helpline run by the NS
- CEOP – Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre
- Think U Know -Part of NCA/CEOP
- Childnet
- Safe
Please note that we cannot be held responsible for the content of any of these external websites.
If you think a child in Hounslow is being abused or mistreated you should call and speak to someone on the Early Help team: 020 8583 6600