About Us
The HSCP is made up of statutory and voluntary partners, representatives from Health, Children’s Services, Police, Probation, the Community and Voluntary Sector as well as Lay Members. Our main role is to coordinate what is done locally to protect and promote the welfare of children and young people in the borough and to monitor the effectiveness of those arrangements to ensure better outcomes for children and young people.
Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility and so our purpose is to make sure that all children and young people in our borough are protected from abuse and neglect. Children can only be safeguarded from harm if agencies work well together, follow procedures and guidance based on best practice and are well informed and trained. In addition we want to make sure parents, children and young people and professionals have easy access to information about a broad range of child safety issues.
We hope that this website is useful to anyone who wants information about the Partnership’s work and how to keep children and young people safe from harm.
If you think a child in Hounslow is being abused or mistreated you should call and speak to someone on the Early Help team: 020 8583 6600